This is a new web site and will be updated as more information becomes available.

The initial entry is a PhD entitled “Seasonal Changes and Biological Classification of Irish Coastal Lagoons” by Geoff Oliver. This study of coastal lagoons in Ireland was carried out at University College Dublin and funded by the statutory body for nature conservation in Ireland, the National Parks and Wildlife Service, 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2, Ireland. Most of the history of  lagoon research in Ireland and available information is contained within this PhD, but research is ongoing and all information will be updated periodically.

Already the list of lagoon sites has changed slightly as some sites have since been deleted and others added to the list. The PhD used information from surveys carried out up to 2003, but further surveys were carried out in 2005 and 2006 and data from these more recent surveys are not yet available.

No doubt there are still mistakes, even errors, in the PhD. In particular the information concerning area of lagoon habitat in Portugal is very inaccurate but was the best estimate at the time of writing based on information available. Hopefully all errors will be addressed eventually and included in a list of errata to be included in the PhD.

Any comments and suggestions will be very much appreciated and should be addressed to:
Geoff Oliver (